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Glendale Infiniti, a luxury car dealership nestled in the heart of Glendale, California, sought a new brand identity to distinguish itself in a saturated market. Being one among several dealerships within a 10-block radius, the client felt that they needed to elevate their brand presence to break away from the competition.

The Brief: Create a visual mark that not only embodies the sophistication of the Infiniti brand but also leaves a lasting impression on potential customers as they search for a new vehicle

My Approach: I began with the dealership's manufacturer, Infiniti. I designed a custom letter 'g' combined with a Mobius strip–a symbol synonymous with infinity. This powerful visual element paired with minimalist and sophisticated aesthetic proved to be a unique solution for the luxury dealer

Audio Credit: Nathan "Chops" Eby

Glendale Infiniti Logos
Glendale Laptop Mock
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